When Teeth Grow Back if Took Out at 1


2 User Reviews

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/17/2012
5 out of 5 stars

An apple truly is nature's tootbrush. Eating an apple whole is best, but an apple you slice yourself is fine. Leave the peel on. What I saw when I did this was not my imagination. You will notice your teeth are cleaner after one, and whiter after 2-3, and more. Just eat the apple normally, raw/uncooked. Not the commercially prepared, treated, prepackaged apple slices, use a fresh apple.

Replied by E'dit
5 out of 5 stars

Replied by Common Sense

Replied by Dmohr

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste

Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 08/07/2012

Hi. I have many old (as in more than 8) large mercury fillings.

After much reading I have found out that these mercury fillings expand and contract in a persons mouth (due to eating hot and cold foods, icy drinks, pressure from chewing and grinding teeth at night, etc.)

Over time this resulted in the breaking off of tooth material around the filling. This has been my experience, anyway.

I despise going to the dentist. I had some very bad dental experiences as a child. I finally went to a decent dentist last month and had x-rays and a consult. (I finally found a dentist that refuses to put mercury into people! How awesome is that?! )

Anyway - after one decade of not having my teeth cleaned (I had been in to my old dentist for two broken off pieces of teeth and two huge mercury fillings however). Anyway, I digress.... after one decade = I had three small cavities, and my gums are all good!

I am a 51 year old woman, and I do floss 2x a day.

Since those three cavities were found last month I have been reading like mad on how to remineralize teeth, and have decided that commercial toothpastes are not the way to go.

I decided to start using baking soda instead of my regular toothpaste only after much, much reading. I know some people believe in bar soap.... Sorry, I cannot stand the taste of bar soap, that would put me over the edge into barfing land.

It has been approx. three weeks since I started using baking soda to clean my teeth and tongue. I noticed right away that my teeth don't get that "furry" feeling like they used to with toothpaste! It is like the toothpaste left a film on my teeth that actually GREW things! (I used to use a sentitive teeth type toothpaste).

I simply cannot believe how awesome my teeth feel now as compared to before. I waited these few weeks to be sure I wouldn't develop sensitivity or something. I have not. The key is to make sure your toothbrush is a soft brush (NOT MEDIUM) and that it is super wet when you put the BS on it. If the BS is too dry then it is too abrasive on your teeth... Kind of like you are sanding them.... the brush needs to be wet.

I am going in for a dental cleaning at the end of this month, and am hoping those three small cavities are gone by then. If not... Oh well. No more mercury will be going in this body at least.

Oh, and re gum health - I honestly believe that my good gums are due to flossing daily, taking Co-Q10 at 100mg a day and Vitamin C at 1,000 a day. Possibly the Magnesium, Boron, and K2 I take as well.

Dental issues are so horrid. I just wanted to share that commercial toothpaste is garbage, (MO) that I now TOTALLY believe that it attracts bacteria to the teeth.

Thank you again Earth Clinic - For providing such a great site for all of us to share our thoughts, ideas, and findings.... There is not one other site on the internet that even comes CLOSE to being as helpful as this awesome place is! :-)

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa - Usa)


Replied by Meg
(Kansas City, Mo)

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Replied by Ana

Replied by Mark

Baking Soda

Posted by Virginia (Lindale, Texas) on 04/16/2015

Just wanted to let people know that baking soda seems to be an excellent choice for stopping tooth decay. You can make a paste with it using coconut oil, adding maybe peppermint, and pearl powder for mineralizing teeth/bones. I read somewhere that ancient people would use pearls as teeth fillings and that due to their biology being close to ours, it mended/blended with the tooth.

Black Walnut

7 User Reviews

Posted by Alex (Spain) on 07/13/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Hi everyone,

I have started using Black Walnut Extract about 10 days ago to remineralize my tooth enamel and must say that I am very pleased with the results.

I just take the extract internally (no swishing in the mouth) and the small holes I have in my teeth have already begun to get filled. Plus, my teeth are not looking as yellow as they did before due to how thin the enamel layer used to be.

I bought an alcohol-free extract and take 2-3 dropperfuls a day straight out of the bottle, undiluted (no need to, as there is no alcohol). The taste is quite pleasant.

However, I think I will follow the instructions on the box and not take this supplement for longer than 3 weeks, because of the tannins contained in it. I will probably wait a couple of months and then repeat the treatment as necessary.

Black Walnut

Posted by Maryland (Ca) on 02/08/2017
1 out of 5 stars

Black walnut did not work for me. One of my cavities was way bigger when I went to the dentist. It was much deeper and it was a big bummer because I have been using black walnut extract for months! I took a couple breaks because I wasn't sure if it was ok to take it daily, but there were days that I would easily swish it in my mouth 2-3 times a day. Very disappointed.

Replied by Andrew

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Andrew
(England Uk)

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Andrew
(England Uk)

Replied by Blackie
(San Diego, California)

Replied by Joy

Replied by Ana
(New York)
15 posts

Black Walnut

Posted by A (NY, US) on 09/18/2014

The black walnuts are just about ready, so I am preparing to make some black walnut tincture. I just reread the post from Mama to Many on the 'how to, ' and was wondering...do you peel the hulls or just put the whole thing in...nut and all?

An update...I have been using it for one of my sons and I am pleased and amazed to see his problem teeth remineralizing! Very neat!

Mama to Many...I hope that you and your family are all doing better now, and thanks for writing up some things we can do if we get the virus. It was very helpful, and good to have on hand! Thanks!

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Sandhya

Replied by Sandy
(Naperville, Il)

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Sandy
(Naperville, Il)

Replied by Sandy
(Naperville, Il)

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Mother Of 2

Replied by Ana

Replied by Pam
(Oroville, Ca)

Black Walnut

Posted by Mohammed (Birmingham, U.K.) on 04/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

black walnut juglans nigra can help re grow tooth enamel and also praying to god (the one who gave you life and teeth in the first place) can be beneficial.

EC : "Juglans nigra, commonly known as black walnut or American walnut, is a tree species native to eastern North America. It grows mostly alongside rivers, from southern Ontario, Canada west to southeast South Dakota, south to Georgia, northern Florida and southwest to central Texas." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_walnut'

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
510 posts

Replied by Cindy
(Cochrane, Wi, usa)

Replied by Heidinelson621
(Bend, Or, Usa)
5 out of 5 stars

Replied by Sissy Vasquez
(Warren, Mi)

Replied by Sarasam
(Kent, Wa, Usa)

Replied by Sophie
(Los Angeles, California)

Replied by Wongoblly
(San Diego, Ca, Us)
5 out of 5 stars

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Replied by Wongoblly
(San Diego, Ca, Us)

Replied by Wongoblly
(San Diego, Ca, Us)

Replied by Ingupo
(Blackburn, Lancashire, UK)

Replied by Delphine
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)
5 out of 5 stars

Replied by Ingupo
(Darwen, Lancashire, Uk)

Replied by Wongoblly
(San Diego, Ca, US)
4 out of 5 stars

Replied by Alexa
(New York)

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Replied by Alexa
(Ny, US)

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Replied by Alexa

Replied by Jake

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc. Canada)

Replied by Greenglo

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc. Canada)

Replied by Greenglo
(Denver, CO)

Replied by Jake

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc. Canada)

Replied by KT

Replied by KT

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by KT

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Meeya
(Sunnyvale, Ca)

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by Lauren
(Queens, Ny)

Replied by KT

Replied by Meeya
(Sunnyvale, Ca)

Replied by KT

Replied by Mama To Many

Replied by KT

Replied by KT

Replied by KT

Replied by Mama to Many

Replied by KT

Replied by Mama to Many

Replied by Pam
(Oroville, Ca)

Replied by Pam
(Oroville, Ca)


1 User Review

Posted by Penny (Great Falls, MT) on 01/27/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I decided to try borax powder half & half mix with baking soda as a tooth powder, and am very pleased with it. I had been using sea salt & baking soda half & half previously. The borax makes my teeth & mouth feel really clean, and has helped with my candida problem also.

Replied by Donna
(Tallahassee, Fl)

Replied by Anonymous
(Philadelphia, Pa)

Replied by Obeybunny
(Santa Ana, California, United States Of America)

Replied by Tyler
(Belgrade, Mt)

Replied by Ingupo
(Blackburn, Lancashire, Uk)

Replied by Ronnie
(Santa Barbara, Ca)

Replied by 123
(Junction, Texas)

Replied by Janice
(Toronto, Ontario)

Replied by Joyce
(Lansdowne, Pa)

Replied by Man
(Sojouring America)

Replied by Man
(Sojouring America)

Replied by Ana

Brush Teeth Frequently

1 User Review

Posted by Lia (Washington) on 10/04/2020
5 out of 5 stars

I have large patches of enamel erosion all over my front teeth. I've tried many supplements, I eat healthy, but nothing really helped. My enamel would grow back, then wear away again. Then it dawned on me one day. I've recently, in the last few years, neglected brushing my teeth in the morning. I've come to only brush once at night, using gum or rinsing to freshen my breath in the morning. So I reverted back to brushing my teeth with any typical toothpaste, morning, 1 hour after lunch, and night. It's been less than 1 week since I've done this and my enamel has already grown back 35-40%.

Bacteria stains the teeth and wears away the enamel. Keep the mouth free of bacteria. This greatly helps with enamel growth.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Colloidal Silver

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/23/2011

I watched an interesting youtube video yesterday whereby a girl who had two small cavities started swishing her mouth with colloidal silver. Her cavities seemed to stop. It does make sense in that if cavities are caused by bacteria in your mouth, the colloidal silver will kill that bacteria. She also added silica and msm to her diet as well.

It got me thinking that oil pulling with coconut oil would probably work as well because it is also anti bacterial. I am sure a diluted iodine would work as well.

I say this because my son seems to have a small cavity in a tooth. I am going to start brushing his teeth with coconut oil and see how it progresses.

Replied by Ana

Dietary Changes, Horsetail, Silica

2 User Reviews

Posted by Obeybunny (Santa Ana, California, United States Of America) on 12/19/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I heard that one of the reasons a person gets cavities, it is most likely due to deficiency of silica in your diet, poor overall nutrition, and prolonged mistreatment of your teeth by eating enamel dissolving foods (like carbonated soda pop)

These are the two things I've researched online.

Method 1: Obtain more silica in your diet by consuming a particular species of Horsetail. The Latin name is Equisetumhyemale. It is an upright, non branching species of horsetail that kind of looks like skinny dark green bamboo. All aerial parts of the plant are edible. You do not want the species that has small branchings at each joint because that species is mildly toxic. You want to eat horsetail because has the most silica of any edible plant in the natural world.

Horsetail powder can be purchased at organic grocery stores (like Mothers) or online. Horsetail plants can be purchased at most plant nurseries. If you can't afford either, check to see if some of your neighbors or parks have horsetail plants growing in their front yards as they are a common decorative plant (but please, no stealing).

Method 2: Obtain more nutrition. Remember that indigenous tribes eating indigenous foods have had nearly always perfect teeth and almost supper human health by modern American standards, and that their health declined substantially when they start eating a more Western diet. (There are a lot of Native Americans alive today who have horrible teeth who had ancestors who had beautiful, cavity free teeth. The Native Americans who live on reservations who are sent food from the government that is based on the food pyramid tend to have all the same problems as the rest ofAmerica, such as obesity and terrible teeth)

What you need to do is avoid all processed foods, and instead eat nutrient dense foods such as chicken eggs, goose eggs, dandelions, wheat grass juice, and sprouts. Cordyceps and garlic are also good foods to add to your diet. Eggs should appear to have a dark orange yoke, not a yellow one (yellow yoked eggs are practically anemic. Yolk color has nothing to do with breed of chicken). Sometimes the best way to make sure you are getting the absolute best food is to grow it yourself (I had no idea carrots were naturally sweet until I started growing them in my backyard. I have eaten carrots at least once a week for every week of my life and eating a sweet carrot was a complete shock to me when I did so for the first time at the age of 21).


Good luck. Don't drink soda pop.

Replied by Stav
1 out of 5 stars


Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Replied by Ana

Eliminate Glycerin

Posted by Angela (Seattle, Wa) on 08/03/2011

My recommendation to re-grow enamel is to brush your teeth with a powder or natural dental fibers that do not contain any glycerine. In the past when I've been using glycerine toothpaste, particurly the natural brands that do not have fluoride, I have begun to notice some dark spots on my front teeth. From reading a blog on the subject, I suspect that glycerine coats the teeth and prevents them from remineralizing overnight. The dark spots - my guess - are places where the enamel is wearing away and/or stains are taking root.

Once I start using the dental fibers only for a few nights, my teeth go back to looking clean and white.

I have even had success by following up a foamy toothpaste brush with a second brush of only dental fibers.

I am curious to hear anyone else's experience on this.

Replied by Julia
(Gaithersburg, Maryland)

Replied by Man
(Sojouring America)

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture

Posted by Mary (St. Petersburg, Florida, Usa) on 02/25/2012

Last year I bit down hard on a peanut and broke one of my molars in half right down through the root. It became abscessed and I had no choice but to have it removed. Other than this unfortunate event I have always had good teeth. I was 46 years old before I had my first cavity. So you can see that teeth have been a non-issue for me for a long time.

Since I went to the dentist to have my abscessed tooth removed three months ago, she found 4 or 5 cavities plus gum disease. This is very disturbing since I have been very good about flossing. Particularly careful since I was walking around for a while with a broken tooth in my mouth. I found it strange that I was doing all that I was supposed to do but my mouth was worse instead of better.

Since then of course I have been researching teeth. Several sources said that commercial toothpaste is bad because it has glycerin in it. Glycerin leaves a film on your teeth. This film prevents "remineralization" of the teeth. I never heard of such a thing. Apparently the saliva is full of minerals and will deposit those minerals in the microscopic holes and pits in the surface of the teeth caused by sugar or whatever. This remineralization is a normal process that prevents the holes from becoming bigger and then becoming cavities. It did not surprize me that the body had a way of fixing teeth if allowed to do so.

SO, with that being said, I stopped using toothpaste and started using baking soda to brush and H2O2 to rinse. I can report to you that one of the cavities is completely GONE. It was in a tooth next to the one that was removed so I could see it in the mirror. GONE. Looked at the tooth just today. The others may be healing as well but I can't see them. They are on the top.

This is one of those things they blame on "age". In fact they said that to me at the dentist's office. Since they couldn't blame smoking or lack of oral hygiene. You do all the "right" things but your condition is WORSE. To that I say Bull____. It has nothing to do with age. The system is in place for teeth to repair themselves but the "right" things get in the way of the process. Then you get to spend money at the dentist.

To be fair, I want to also report that I read the comments on Black Walnut tincture for tooth decay. I have been using it twice a day. Two droppers full in a small amount of water enough to swish and then swallow. This could well be what turned the tide for me in addition to the good oral hygiene noted above. I will continue the Black Walnut.

This is one of my victories that came straight from the EarthClinic members.

As a side note, I told my son yesterday how I used commercial toothpaste to clean the tarnish off my rings. He said if it can clean metal he might not want it in his mouth. Smart boy.

Thanks to those who write in here and share their knowledge.


Replied by G
(Nyc, Ny)

Replied by Mary
(St. Petersburg, Florida, Usa)

Replied by M
(Provo, Utah)

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2082 posts

Replied by Mary
(Melb, Vic)

Replied by Annakabana
(Perth , Wa)

Replied by Ana


1 User Review

Posted by Angel (Hawaii) on 09/02/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hi there, I started drinking Horsetail herb tea about 3 weeks ago cause it's supposed to be good for bones. I noticed a huge improvement in two front teeth. They had previously looked almost see through and dark due to lot's of lemons. I was amazed when they started filling in. It's the only thing I've done different. There is some good info out there regarding Horsetail and how it helps bones, teeth, collagen, ect.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Replied by Manny
(new york)

Ionic Toothbrush

1 User Review

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 12/23/2016
2 out of 5 stars

Is the ionic phenomenon true? Maybe not

I have started using an ionic toothbrush for months. It doesn't remove more plaque as it is said and I don't observe any better cleaning than with a common toothbrush. The bad thing is that it is adviced better not to put tooth paste with ionic and doing that I even had worse results. I now put toothpaste with the ionic toothbrush.

When Teeth Grow Back if Took Out at 1

Source: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/tooth_enamel.html

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